jsDelivr welcomes BootstrapCDN and continues to power Bootstrap!

We have a couple of exciting announcements we would like to share today!
Bootstrap switches to jsDelivr for CDN services

In case you missed it, a few months ago jsDelivr became the official CDN of Bootstrap. All Bootstrap users are now recommended to switch to jsDelivr and get the benefit of our Multi-CDN infrastructure and automated updates!
We are happy to start working together with the Bootstrap team to build a better, faster and easier to use web.
Check out our infographic to learn more about how jsDelivr optimizes file delivery for production use-cases.
BootstrapCDN joins jsDelivr!

The BootstrapCDN project, originally founded by Justin Dorfman and MaxCDN, later maintained by XhmikosR and Joshua Mervine, has always been the go-to CDN for serving everything related to Boostrap, including Font Awesome and Bootswatch.
Today we are happy to announce that BootstrapCDN has officially joined jsDelivr!
Here is a list of changes and the improvements we plan to introduce:
- The BootsrapCDN Github repo has moved under the jsDelivr org.
- We received full ownership of the bootstrapcdn.com domain
- All previous CDN hostnames like stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com and maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com were migrated to a new CDN infrastructure
- The new CDN infrastructure for *.bootstrapcdn.com is powered by Cloudflare for traffic and DNS. (Enterprise account)
- The origin is with AWS S3 and BunnyCDN handles origin shielding, URL rewrites and HTTP header changes
- We will continue to maintain ALL previously supported hostnames and URLs indefinitely! Everything will continue working without any action necessary by BootstrapCDN users
- The new CDN URLs will be under the cdn.jsdelivr.net hostname and will match those of the Bootstrap documentation. The jsDelivr Multi-CDN was built for production use and we recommend everyone to switch to cdn.jsdelivr.net.
- We plan to refresh the design of the main website! Check it out on our Github and leave your feedback.
- The website itself is going to be converted to static HTML for better performance and will be migrated from Heroku.
- We will add a new CDN page for Bootstrap Icons
We are very excited about these news and we are happy that we will soon be able to celebrate 100 billion monthly requests together with the Bootstrap and BootstrapCDN teams!
Stay tuned for more updates and make sure you check out our new ESM CDN endpoint